I almost always wonder, why does one need 'Deep Cleaning' {of the house :-)}? Either the occupant keeps the house very dirty -sparingly dusted, broomed, and wet mopped, or the occupant keeps the house locked for inordinately long durations.
In either case, the Occupant has to spend nearly 5 hours with 4 to 5 random strangers wearing half attire, {i.e the brand's T-shirt or Shirt over their personal 3/4th slim fit trousers ;-) }. Supervising and haggling over minute details in COVID Times !!!
Then comes the cost of paying nearly INR 5000 for ONE Time cleaning + the sheepish suggestion for Chai-Pani. Mind you, the Chai-Pani is no less than what you get at Chaayos or equivalent.
THINK about it,?
Isn't monitoring, cleaning & sanitization every week or fortnight better?
Moreover, it just takes 60 to 90 minutes and costs nearly HALF, that too for two services without gratis?
Moreover, the Household goods are insured if you are enrolled as a Member, which means you don't have to hang around for 5 hours.
Moreover, you get an update on WHO is cleaning your house and WHEN.
Moreover, the Supervisor will mostly be an Ex-servicemen, so you can imagine sincerity and discipline.
Moreover..... oh, it goes on and on, Allow us & we will be happy to take you through the range of services.
Look forward to your call on 93156 56020